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Maihinnousu - Muusikoiden.netin Musiikkipalvelin

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"The Purifiction has the bold mission of playing music that has a clear impact in peoples lives. We studied the subject and found out that there is music called 'rock'", says Junnu and continues: "Then I started to experiment with the idea. It felt right from the beginning. This sort of music bears emotions that I had never even dreamed possible."

"It was a real surprise to meet people who had also heard about this 'rock' thing. I had been fascinated for weeks about its intimacies when I met this guy talking about it online", Teppo informs.

That guy was the founding member Junnu Vuorela and together they decided to try this "rock thing" together. "We realized that rock stars have all the chicks, money and fame so we decided to found a band", Junnu explains.

"Junnu said that a band he heard once had sounded really huge, so we thought we should hire a second guitarist", Teppo says. "I decided that if I turned every rock on the planet I would find one and got to it", Junnu muses. "When I was turning rocks in our sandbox my brother interrupted me by asking me what the hell I was doing and told me that our cat uses it as a litterbox... our guitarist had been found!"

"We were having our first rehearsals and it sounded a bit empty even when we had both guitarists and then Topi said that we should have a drummer", goes Teppo and Junnu cuts in: "Yeah, the kind that has arms of steel and bangs like a clock" - waving his arms in the air - "The only one we found meeting our demands was a robot, welding car parts, so we hired Topi's friend Tatu".

"Tatu brought along a lot of new ideas, like the addition of a bass player. So immediately I thought we have to find one with an amplifier bigger than a mobile sauna", Topi says. "We looked far and wide for anyone who would meet our standards and finally hooked up with this guy who could borrow a bass guitar. Our band was now complete and ready to go record some songs".

"We never expected to be so well received by the intermanets but I know that everyone respects our input and willingness to give our all for our rocking lifestyle. The next big thing for us are the drugs. I know now that this lifestyle is gonna make you really, really ill, but there is a downside to everything I guess", Says Pasi.

"Yeah, well, we weren't born to follow, come on and get up off your knees when life is a bitter pill to swallow. You just gotta hold on to what you believe", says Tatu and continues that he's too drunk to say anything more or he's gonna sound like god damn Bon Jovi, burp.

We hope you enjoy our music as much as Tom and become our friends in the myspace community! This myspace is really cool. We have already received offers never thought possible! Like free iPods and the like. Just by signing in competitions that are free of charge! Can you imagine that!

Go rockin'!

The Purifiction:

Tatu Rautiainen, Drums
Teppo Tirkkonen, Vocals
Pasi Toukola, Bass
Junnu Vuorela Rocks
Topi Vuorela, Guitars


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Act of Love03:051,00 (1 arvostelu) - Kirjaudu sisään arvostellaksesi1,00 (1 arvostelu) - Kirjaudu sisään arvostellaksesi1,00 (1 arvostelu) - Kirjaudu sisään arvostellaksesi1,00 (1 arvostelu) - Kirjaudu sisään arvostellaksesi1,00 (1 arvostelu) - Kirjaudu sisään arvostellaksesi Lataa
All I Need03:352,50 (2 arvostelua) - Kirjaudu sisään arvostellaksesi2,50 (2 arvostelua) - Kirjaudu sisään arvostellaksesi2,50 (2 arvostelua) - Kirjaudu sisään arvostellaksesi2,50 (2 arvostelua) - Kirjaudu sisään arvostellaksesi2,50 (2 arvostelua) - Kirjaudu sisään arvostellaksesi Lataa
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Genre: Rock/Pop

Profiili luotu: 07.12.2009.
Päivitetty: 07.12.2009 klo 12:57.
Profiilia katsottu 1171 kertaa.


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