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Vuonna 2005 toimintansa päättänyt rock-yhtye.


Vanhoilta nettisivuilta poimittua...

"Moline first took shape in Karhula, Finland which is a town better known from its active metalscene. At the end of the golden nineties Simo and Timo formed a band called Birthcage with bassist Teppo. In early '03 Heka joined the band and at the same time name was changed to Moline. In august bands first demo called 'Ante Meridiem' was recorded @ Woodbine Garden -studios. By the end of the year Teppo left the band,as he was replaced by new bassplayer Tommi.

The music of Moline is pretty much influenced by alternative rock bands like Silverchair, Incubus, Foo Fighters etc, but there are influences from various of genres. What does Moline sound like? Their music could be described as something where these melancolic pop tunes are mixed with a twist of that raw and passionate alternative rock of early nineties. Honest modern rock music."

Genre: Rock/Pop

Profiili luotu: 26.04.2008.
Päivitetty: 27.04.2008 klo 18:38.
Profiilia katsottu 1434 kertaa.


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» Lostprophet
» chair
» Car Von Én IV
» Tommi
 (Basso (03-05))