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Lyhyesti ja ytimekkäästi : Ollaan Kuopion suunnalta hieman progressiivista, melodista deathmetallia soittava poppoo. Bändistä voit lukea enemmän "lisätietoja" -osiosta tai bändimme kotisivuilta!


The birth and life of Raven Claw this far:

It all begun when Joonas Pulkkinen found out that one of the students at the school he went, was a great guitarist and his name was Jere Pöyhönen. Joonas went to meet Jere and asked him directly; "I'm a guitarist too and I was thinking that maybe you'd like to form a band with me, eh?"

Well I think you can guess what he said since the band is up and Jere's in their ranks. And that's how Raven Claw's story began. Right after the first training session, where Sami Leskinen (from Joonas' previous band) pounded the drums, they decided to keep on going. After they made a couple of songs, they decided to try to find more members since 3 of them couldn't bring out all the ideas they wanted other people to hear from their music. So, the line-up this far was: Jere Pöyhönen & Joonas Pulkkinen with guitars and Sami Leskinen behind the drums. It didn't take long until Jere found another member to join the band, Sami Partanen who had been his friend for a long time. Sami came to check out the band's skills in one of the training sessions and he totally fell in love with the music. After that guys were having fun at someone's home party and they met Jani Rissanen and told him about Raven Claw. Jani turned out to be a bass player and he was recruited immediately.

But something was still missing, a vocalist. Well, Sami Leskinen was having fun at his friend's party and he met a guy from the band Deathlight; Henry "Portto" Hämäläinen and he asked him to give Raven Claw a try. Of course he gave a try and fell in love with the music like all the others and decided to join in. Now we had a full line-up.

Not long after that we got couple of gigs, One of them was a small band competition where the bands were competing on the "warm-up band" place for Finnish rock band called Uniklubi. We won the competition and got the warm-up band place and our gig was a total mayhem.

People started asking where they could hear more of this excellent melodic metal and was Raven Claw going to record a demo anytime soon. Because of that, Raven Claw decided to record their debut demo in Studio 33, Kuopio, Finland. First demo was named as "Illusions Created By Insanity".

Tracklist for the first demo:

1. Eternity You Wished For

2. Hate Forever

3. Illusion Created By Insanity

By selling the demo and playing at a beach party we got enough cash to record a second demo with far more aggressive songs and sound.

One day, Joonas met the guitarist of Tarot, Zachary Hietala, who recommended that Raven Claw should record their next demo at Studio Sound, where Janne Tolsa would take care of the recording, mixing and mastering process.

Day before Raven Claw's second studio session we threw a gig in Rytö Hellfire -band happening and once again the band was in flames and the crowd banged their brains out. Raven Claw went to the studio and recorded their second demo, which was named "Howling Under The Moon".

Tracklist for the second demo:

1. Scarecrow

2. Friends Betrayal

3. Fatal Warcry

3. Werewolf's Soul

Not so long after, Ravens won a band competition in Kuopio. First price was free demo record session and 50 copys of the CD. Newborn baby was named as "Orders Of Helljester" and it was produced by Zachary Hietala, mixed and recorded in Studio33 by Tero Holopainen and Erno Sallinen, then finally mastered in Studio Soundi by Janne Tolsa.
Orders Of Helljester was taken for sale in to Levykauppa Äx, Kuopio.

Tracklist for the third demo/mcd:

1. Nocturnal Atmosphere

2. Helljester's Path

3. Helljester's Grin

4. As I Lay Down (To Sleep)

Before recordings, Ravens were invited to play in Indie Live15 night which was broadcasted in cable TV channel, Diggari. After those shows, local magazines like Opix got interest to these young headbangers, and they decided to interview Jere Pöyhönen and take Ravens in to the headlines.

That's the story so far and trust me when I say there's more to come... Cheers and keep on rocking HARD AND HEAVY!

Genre: Metalli

Profiili luotu: 02.10.2008.
Päivitetty: 03.12.2008 klo 14:42.
Profiilia katsottu 1696 kertaa.


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» Sami Partanen
» Jere Pöyhönen
» Jani Rissanen
» Joonas Pulkkinen
» Sami Leskinen
» Henry Hämäläinen