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The Promised Story

Julkaisuvuosi: 2008

The beginning of Bluebook started in a restaurant, somewhere back in 2006 with the idea of making ambient music with Joose. As you may have noticed, the idea has drifted a little from its origins.

“The Promised Story” is the second (yes, the second) album of Bluebook. I had the song ideas ready from 2005, and this was the perfect opportunity to implement them. I am very satisfied with the outcome, an album full of autumnly feel, and loads of good melodies and catchy choruses.
- Hannu


Levyllä ei ole kuvaa.

# KappaleKesto  Arvostelu Toiminnot
01  Blank Page 
02  Death Machine 
03  Half Way Through 
04  The Last Escape 
05  Are We 
06  The Miracle Mile 
07  Turning 
08  Ordinary 

Genre: Rock/Pop

Profiili luotu: 04.08.2010.
Päivitetty: 04.08.2010 klo 22:50.
Profiilia katsottu 1115 kertaa.


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» Hannu Hokkanen
 (Kitara, basso, piano, huuliharppu, perkussiot)