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Maihinnousu - Muusikoiden.netin Musiikkipalvelin

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Story is based on research material of Abner Barnaby's. Abner has been missing for years now. Her family believe that this research is somehow the part of the puzzle, which might lead on to Abner's footsteps...
Research material includes the set of diaries and hundreds of different kind notes. The main part of the notes has been written by Abner. Hand drawn diagrams and timelines between happenings and people involved. Statements of eyewitnesses, reports of police departments and patient records of psychiatric prison. Copies of old newspapers articles and maps from different parts of Europe. Also references in books of church, some historical notes and tales of people in Meadow Village is used to gather the pieces together to make one picture.


Rising from the graves10.05.2016 klo 02:00
I'm not dead, even I haven't seen the sun a while...
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Genre: Metalli

Profiili luotu: 12.03.2014.
Päivitetty: 07.02.2015 klo 13:14.
Profiilia katsottu 964 kertaa.


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